Saturday Morning Fellowship 10:45am
Saturday Morning Sabbath Worship 12:00pm
Tuesday Night Equipping Classes 6:30pm
Saturday Morning Fellowship 10:45am
Saturday Morning Sabbath Worship 12:00pm
Tuesday Night Equipping Classes 6:30pm
About us
Fresh Fire Ekklesia is a five-fold, Word & Spirit based,
Apostolic Revival & Training Center.
We are a kingdom-minded church, born for such a time as this.
Along with the Word of God and honor for the finished work of the cross, the presence of the Lord is our highest priority, and we allow Holy Spirit the freedom to have His way in our services so be prepared to experience an atmosphere of freedom in worship.
Services at FFE are not programmed with a time limit so
please know that you are always welcome to
leave early if you are unable to stay for the entirety of the service.
You will experience love & not judgment at FFE where it is our goal to help
you grow and develop a deep & meaningful relationship
with the Lord enabling you to live a victorious life in Jesus.
We understand that visiting a new church can be intimidating,
especially if you aren't sure what to expect.
Our services are marked by honoring the presence of Holy Spirit.
God has set us free and we express our gratitude and love to Him
through expressive and creative worship. You may see us using flags,
painting, laying on the floor, dancing or singing new songs in the Spirit.
Choosing a church home is a very important
step in your life so please take a moment to browse our
website in order to find out more about us, and we would be honored
if you made plans to join us for Sunday service.
We look forward to meeting you soon!
Our Senior Overseers Roger and Tamra Landrum have celebrated 30+ years of marriage & demonstrate by example the unity of
man & woman living restored to their original design under the
New Covenant of Christ Jesus.
Fresh Fire Ekklesia is an Apostolic Center that understands the power of unity between two walking together as one,
both male & female taking their places and ministering
powerfully side by side.
At FFE all women are recognized as being restored to the original design of their rightful place of
authority in Christ Jesus that He purchased by His death on the cross, and we rejoice that Jesus healed the gender divide.
Gen. 1:26-28
Then God said, "Let Us make man in our own image, according to our likeness, and let them rule
over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth,
and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male & female He created them.
And God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it
and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.
Galatians 3:26-28
For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For all of you who were baptized
into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man,
there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ.
His Kingdom, Now.
Our Community
Our Community of believers at Fresh Fire Ekklesia are a tribe!
The gospel is ultimately about humanity being restored to God’s community. Only through practicing community will individuals grow fully in the grace and knowledge to be found in Jesus. Furthermore, it is through community that a fragmented world can best witness
the power of the gospel and the nature of God’s work.
As a culture of confession, transformation, friendship, forgiveness, love, joy, peace, justice, and power springs up in the lives of normal people, those who don’t know Christ will be compelled to ask what is happening.
The most essential aspect of our church is to have real relationship with God through Holy Spirit as well as with each other. In community, we place the highest value on the presence of Holy Spirit in our daily lives and relationships, and corporately uniting together to celebrate our Lord & savior in an intimate manner provides a place of deep meaningful fellowship and support with each other.
The early church met together in un-programmed settings that promoted growth of deep fellowship & communion with God and one another.
Jesus has reconciled us not only to Himself but also to each other; we understand that people are the church & not the building. We don't do religion, we do relationship.
Even though each born again believer has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, that relationship was not designed to be lived out in total seclusion.
We were made for community; relationship with God and with each other.
The local church is not merely a place that we attend but a people to whom we belong.
At Fresh Fire Ekklesia, we are a community of born again believers who will call out the gold in you,
encouraging you to spiritually rise up and walk in your God ordained destiny.
The Bible calls us members of the body (1 Corinthians 12:12-31) with the expectation that we contribute
to the body for the glory of God and the good of His people.
Each member of the body of Christ is needed. Each is necessary.
Find your TRIBE & stay connected!!
Our Vision
Our vision as an Apostolic Revival & Training Center is to equip and build up the body of Christ for the work of the Kingdom of God through the restoration of the five-fold ministry of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher as listed in Ephesians 4:7-13 as well as all of the ministry gifts given to the church by God.
We have a vision of revival that will impact our city, region, state, nation, and the nations, and our goal is to carry out the great commission through making disciples who are transformed through salvation, baptism, and baptism of the Holy Spirit, which involves the restoration of the operation of the gifts of the Spirit to the body of Christ both individually & corporately.
Fresh Fire is a transformational revival center with a vision to raise up leaders of all ages, races, and gender and to activate them into the ministry. Our focus is not to build a following but to preach the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be a sending and refilling station for the empowerment of the body of Christ.
Our vision is to see the restoration of the original structure of the church as designed by Jesus and exhibited all throughout the New Testament. We are a new wineskin church, an apostolic center, whose goal is to partner with Holy Spirit in restoring a generation through the full work of Jesus Christ.
International missions & training is a mandate that we have been given. We are building churches & schools of ministry worldwide. We have given God our "YES" and He is sending us into the uttermost parts of the earth to win the lost to Jesus, get people baptized in the Holy Ghost and fire, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons, and make disciples of the nations!
Our vision is to take revival to all of the nations of the earth & the islands of the sea.
The mission of Fresh Fire Ekklesia is to make disciples, which involves transformation and freedom; bringing people into the place where they understand the freedom they have through the reconciliation of the work of the cross through salvation in Jesus and through receiving power from on high resulting from the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Through the power of both the Word of the Gospel and Holy Spirit, it is our mission to help people get saved, delivered, healed in mind, body, and spirit, free and victorious in life, blessed, and transformed into lovers of God.
God's mission was redemption and reconciliation through the blood of Jesus, and as individuals, our redemptive mission is now to usher the glory of the kingdom of God into this it is in heaven.
We are a new wineskin church, an Apostolic center, whose goal is to partner with Holy Spirit in restoring a generation through the full work of Jesus Christ.
At FFE, we pursue to Honor the Lord, make His name known, and glorify Him big!
Apostolic Center
What exactly is an Apostolic Center? What does that look like? How does it function?
The best answer to this question doesn't look anything like a traditional church.
An Apostolic Center is a ministry founded under the five-fold gifts given to the church by Jesus Christ as mentioned in Ephesians 4:7-13, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. The five-fold ministry was Jesus' plan for the structure of the Body of Christ and this is the structure that the early church, which was established by Jesus functioned. You will experience a flow of all of the ministry gifts, which were given by Father, Jesus, & Holy Spirit functioning in an Apostolic Center and be trained in these gifts.
Apostolic centers focus on training and building leaders for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. If you are born-again by the blood of Jesus Christ & the Spirit of God, you have some sort of ministry. It may not be behind a pulpit or even a public ministry, but you have a ministry that's just as necessary as any other.
Apostles are able to recognize the gifts & callings within a believer & help activate you into the plans of God for your life. When a house has an apostle(s) in it, people are activated to
grow & develop exponentially in their gifts and callings.
Apostolic centers do not focus on gaining a following because they think in terms of building the kingdom. Some leaders who are raised up in an Apostolic Center will find that their call is to stay within the center to minister, but many ministers are also trained up in order to be sent out to minister outside of the center. An Apostolic Center is a multi-faceted ministry that is a training ground and a refilling station for kingdom-minded people.
The focus of an Apostolic Center goes far beyond salvation & water baptism alone.
Apostolic centers focus on TRANSFORMATION.
We win the lost.
We release Holy Spirit baptism.
We make disciples.
We send disciples out.